New Here? We do our best to make retirement planning simple and easy. The library below contains short, easy-to-read documents to help you learn about technical topics and optional services provided by JULY. Getting Started Life Lessons: Saving While You're Young Top 5 Things Your Retirement Plan Offers Mid Career Catch-Up Contributions - Making Up For Lost Time Life Lessons: Don't Have a Mid-career Savings Crisis Energize Your Retirement Investing Say Yes to Saving More Give Your Retirement Savings a Lift Nearing Retirement Catch-Up Contributions - Making Up For Lost Time Life Lessons: Don't Have a Mid-career Savings Crisis Life Lesson: Countdown to Retirement Say Yes to Saving More Borrowing from Your 401(k) Plan - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Savings Tips and Tricks Can You Contribute More? Don't Take the Money and Run Check This Out! Considering a ROTH 401(k)