Jen Nau
Director, Client Services
A few things you might not know about Jen…
What song, album, or artist could you listen to on repeat?
“David Gray – I might rival anyone for his biggest fan! I have all of his music from old to new and back in the day used to play only his CD’s on random play. When my husband met me he used to tell everyone in my house it was David Gray – all day, every day. I have also seen him in concert too many times to list (for fear of being a stalker).”
What is the most ridiculous fact you know?
“The chemical composition of Quartz is SiO2. I have a degree in geology so I know the chemical composition of a few minerals/crystals. This one however did provide an answer in a trivia game a few year’s ago and I was the only one at the bar that had it right!”

What is your absolute dream job?
“Working at a zoo! But I will caveat this and say only if I could work with the animals and didn’t have to clean their cages! I love all critters – they are all uniquely full of crazy antics and so much fun to be around. I have housed lots of critters in my life either short term or as a family member and that list includes a 6 foot iguana!”
If you could have a supernatural power, what would it be?
“This one is easy – teleporting! I am very close with my family and they all live so darn far from me! If I could teleport to see them daily I would feel more a part of their lives – I miss so much of the day to day inertia. I also have mobility issues so being able to ZAP around sounds amazing…no more airports or LONG drives….I could actually get to see all the places on my bucket list!”
What is your favorite movie?