Jennifer Duff
Director, Plan Administration
A few things you might not know about Jennifer…
What is your favorite movie?
“Shawshank Redemption comes in first – I do not know the reason, but if I ever come across it playing on television, it does not matter where it is in the movie, I will stop what I am doing and watch however much remains. It truly makes my husband, Jason absolutely crazy. And a very close second is any of the Harry Potter movies. Still one of my favorite book series that I have ever read. It is the only set of hardcover books that I have kept.”
What did you name your first car?
“Nelly the Nimble Neon – It was a red Plymouth Neon that my parents bought for me during college and the name just sort of happened. Alliteration at its finest, I guess. Everyone and I mean everyone always referred to my car as Nellie the Nimble Neon. I drove that car until the doors practically fell off.”

Are you a traveler or a homebody?
“I love to travel, but with two teenage daughters, Hayden and Mary living their best life, my budget makes me a homebody. My eldest played competitive softball from age 5 until she graduated last year so we have spent most of our weekends, vacation time traveling from one softball field to another. I definitely prefer warm, more exotic locations and I am hoping to finally make it to Hawaii next year for my 25th wedding anniversary.”
Cat person or dog person?
“Easy – dog person, my family always had a dog growing up and I continued the trend. I also prefer larger dogs, rather than small ones and currently have two pit bulls and a labradoodle. Don’t get me wrong, I love all animals, but cats can get into anything. They were walking in their litter box, now they are on your counter. It is more than I can handle. And to be honest, cats scare me a little bit. You never know what they are thinking, almost like they are always contemplating how to kill you.”
What song, album, or artist could you listen to on repeat?