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Jodi Vormezeele

Jodi Vormezeele

Senior Director, Client Experience – Mid-Market Service Team

A few things you might not know about Jodi…

What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?

“My husband and two sons are notorious for one liners and have engrained in my head Chris Farley, “That’s gonna leave a mark”, and “AIS – A** in seat” from Everybody Loves Raymond.”

What game have you spent the most hours playing?

“EUCRE. All family gatherings in my town of Dubuque and the surrounding area include a good EUCRE card game. Stores in our area sell decks of cards that say, “If you don’t play Eucre, you’re not from Dubuque.” I have many fond memories of the silly grin my father would have each time he was about to pull the winning card out of nowhere. Oh, and if you loose having zero points, you have to wear the skunk hat!”

Jodi Vormezeele Illustration
What is your favorite artist or band?

“Right now, Ed Sheeran. Last year by husband purchased concert tickets, and I wasn’t really thrilled to go. It ended up being the most amazing concert I’ve ever been to. “Life Goes On” always makes me cry though.”

What did you name your first car? 

“Well I could think of names for it now. My first car was a burgundy Chevy Chevette with a couple hundred thousand miles on it, and no A/C. A gallon of milk from the store leaked into the cracked passenger floorboard. It smelled lovely when it was hot outside.”

Do you have any hidden talents? 

“I took piano lessons from third grade into my college years so I became pretty good at it. To make money in high school, I’d play Christmas music at the local department stores and florist holiday open houses.”