Maximum Amounts that Can Be Funded to Qualified Retirement Plans ERISA has established plan...
Employer News
JULY Welcomes Ginger H. Gibbs as Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Waco, TX (January 16, 2024) JULY Business Services (JULY), a leading national provider of 401(k)...
JULY Promotes Sales Leaders with Plans to Expand National Sales Presence
Record sales and innovative product development are driving a growing sales team Waco, Texas,...
JULY Fuels Its Growth Strategy with Investments by Platform Partners
Investment will accelerate product development while supporting M&A goalsOctober 25th, 2022...
Introducing JULY IRA to Support Participant Rollovers
The JULY IRA helps participants with their savings goals keeping their monies invested for the...
JULY Announces New Payroll Integration Partnership: Intuit QuickBooks Online
Waco, Texas, October 7, 2021– July Business Services (JULY) has completed integration with...
JULY Announces New Online Participant Enrollment Technology
Waco, TX, April 15, 2021 - July Business Services (JULY)...
Creating SECURE Act Solutions
JULY's CEO, John Humphrey, contributed an insightful article to the Summer 2020 issue of Plan...
He Did Not Know He Couldn’t Fly and So He Did
The following in an excerpt from the November 10th JULY Team Connect Newsletter, written by JULY’s...
Simplify with JULY’s 3(16) Services
Complete Your Plan Offering: Take Advantage of JULY’s Expanded 3(16) Services While business...
Don’t Shirk Fiduciary Responsibility – Shift It
Over the past decade there has been a trend among states to create state-sponsored retirement...
The New 20% Pass-Through / Qualified Business Income (QBI) Deduction Q & A
Why is this relevant? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed in December 2017, includes a new deduction...