by Paul Fennell | Dec 21, 2020 | 401(k) Technical Resources, Employers, JULY Products and Services, Tools and Technology
There is a wealth of opportunity on the small business 401(k) space. Nearly 90% of US businesses have fewer than 20 employees1. And with state-mandated retirement plan coverage for small businesses a growing trend, building these plans into your practice today will...
by Paul Fennell | Dec 15, 2020 | 401(k) Fiduciary Compliance, Employee Articles, Employees, Saving
Winter is a great time of year to review your retirement account. For one thing, it’s tax season. So you’re already thinking about money. Plus, life is generally less hectic in winter. Before the pace picks up, spend some quality time with your 401(k). Check the Big...
by Greg Snyder | Sep 30, 2020 | Advisor News, Advisors, Cash Balance, Cash Balance Article, Employer News, Employers
It can be done! The pandemic has limited traditional in-person networking. But forward-thinking advisors aren’t discouraged… Here are 5 Ways Advisors Can Meet Clients Where They Are Today: Expand Your Social Media Presence Pair High-Tech with Low-Tech Play...